Here is a selection of the many tools we have included in your control panel to ensure you have full control over your Linux hosted sites with us. Everyone of the tools is available in your all in one Inspira Hosting control panel, requiring no third party logins or separate portals making your life as easy as possible.
Choose to install shared SSL or purchase a full dedicated SSL certi cate.
Password Protection
Easily create password protected directories within a hosting account.
Create automated tasks on your account for a small additional subscription cost.
php.ini Editor
A simple way to manage your php.ini settings via the control panel.
Reset Permissions
A helpful tool to reset permissions across a hosting account in seconds.
Raw Log Files
Enable raw log le collection allowing you to download very detailed statistics.
FTP Accounts
Create additional FTP accounts and manage what they can access or change.
Create multiple MySQL databases per account and manage via phpMyAdmin.
One-Click Installation Scripts
Install popular titles such as WordPress within seconds.
FrontPage Extensions
Set to be phased out soon, but for those who require it, it can be installed.
Error Logs
Review a realtime feed of errors occurring on your site. Design error pages to match.
Website Preview
A great facility to preview your new website prior to pointing the DNS across.
Host Restrictions
Con gure restricted directories for any given site.
Restricted via IP, you can manage your plan via a secure shell command line.
Graphical Statistics
Online graphical statistics retained for the past 12 months to understand user behaviour.
FTP Logs
A real time look at FTP access attempts and usage.
MySQL Statistics
Graphical respresentation of your database usage. Great for de-bugging.
Suspend Account
Perfect for non-paying customers, all hosting resources can be suspended.